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Friday, 17 December 2021 17:55

Child Psychiatry - Additional Information

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Related child psychiatry topics include child psychology, child psychotherapy, child psychoanalysis, child bedwetting (enuresis), child discipline, child obesity, child drug addiction (substance abuse), child developmental disabilities (mental retardation), and Tourette syndrome.

Child Psychiatry - Disease Entity

Currently there are two main categories of mental illness in adults; mood disorders and anxiety disorders. Mood disorders are broken into several specific diagnoses including major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, dysthymic disorder, cyclothymic disorder, premenstrual dysphoria, postpartum depression and substance-induced mood disorders. Anxiety disorders are also number of separate diseases including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety, specific phobia, acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Here is related child psychiatry topic information: child psychology, child psychotherapy, child psychoanalysis, child bedwetting (enuresis), child discipline, child obesity, child drug addiction (substance abuse).

Child Psychiatry - Related Topics

Additional child psychiatry topics include child development disorders, paediatric neuroanatomy and paediatric sleep medicine. Child development disorders cover the diagnostic conditions found in children such as mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorder (autism) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Paediatric neuroanatomy focuses on the physical examination of the internal structures associated with both neurologic and psychiatric illnesses in young people. Paediatric sleep medicine is a branch of child neurology and child psychiatry that deals specifically with sleep disorders in children.

Child Psychiatry - Medical Conditions

Some Chld Psychiatry - Additional Iinformation topics closely related to child mental health include eating disorder (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa), child bedwetting (enuresis), child discipline, child obesity, child drug addiction (substance abuse) and paediatric headaches. Eating disorder concerns childhood issues such as childhood obesity, child anxiety and child depression. Bedwetting is a condition where the child cannot stop urination into their clothing during the day or night. Child discipline deals with disciplinary actions for children that are considered negative and unethical by the medical profession. Paediatric obesity is an important issue involving our youth in both developed and developing countries. Substance abuse is considered child psychiatry issues when it is performed under the age of 18 years old, child anxiety disorders are overactive anxiety responses to external stimuli causing excessive fear or worrying and child depression covers low moods that can lead to drastic changes in behaviour.